Delivering A Sustainable Nitrogen Option Without Degrading the Soil

Delivering A Sustainable Nitrogen Option Without Degrading the Soil

We’ve decided to change the format for our newsletters for a while, and address questions from the field. I already do this indirectly: Many times these questions inspire me to conduct additional research and the information will then find its way into a newsletter. Fielding questions from growers is about as good as it gets for me, and I encourage all of you to send yours my way. We like to solve problems! If we get related questions, we’ll try to group them into a themed response.

I’m an organic almond grower and I’m looking for more nitrogen options. What do you recommend?

Organic Nitrogen Fertilizers

Organic Nitrogen Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers also help foster a healthy environment for beneficial microbes in the soil. Organic fertilizers typically contain smaller amounts of N-P-K than synthetic fertilizers they’re more beneficial to plants because they are taken up slowly as needed where synthetic fertilizers are quickly consumed.

In addition, organic nitrogen sources feed the soil biology while synthetic materials kill the biology and drive out other contributors to good soil like earthworms or nature’s fertilizer producing machines. While plants react to synthetic nitrogen, it breaks down the organic matter faster than plant residue and the dead microbes that go through cycles of bloom, can replace it.

A Smart Product for Saving Water

A Smart Product for Saving Water

I posted this newsletter back in November and doing it again given the drought conditions we’re likely facing this growing season. Almost 16 million California residents are living in drought conditions. Thankfully, a smart solution had entered the market to help growers reduce water usage yet still be able to move nutrients through the soils for crop access. Andaman Ag sells AquaVantage, a bio-degradable, starch-based polymer that’s used as a soil amendment, capable of absorbing up to 500 times its weight in water to store and gradually release it to crops. The result: crops require 30-40% less water, given the water holding capacity! We believe it’s a breakthrough product that can have a major role in mitigating drought conditions. It lasts the entire season keeping water where it needs to be from early season or planting/seedlings through harvest or post-harvest.

Riding the Nitrogen Cycle to Increased Yields and Less Costs

Riding the Nitrogen Cycle to Increased Yields and Less Costs

Growers are facing increased regulation, especially when it comes to the application of nitrogen. Nitrogen takes a lot of energy to produce, has negative environmental impacts and is expensive. As a result, there’s a growing interest in reducing fertilizer use — because YOU CAN. If farms can start paying more attention to biological nitrogen fixation for crop production, they can realize comparable yields with less input.

How Can Biological Farming Help Me?

How Can Biological Farming Help Me?

My alma mater, Colorado State University, is offering students a degree in Agricultural Biology. As an Agricultural Biology student, you can learn to integrate skills and knowledge to solve problems related to plants, insects, and microbes in natural and managed ecosystems. That’s quite a transformation from the days I was there.

Andaman Ag believes that our broad array of biological products can make a significant difference in terms of delivering improved crop yields, quality and ROI for both organic and conventional growers. With agricultural crop prices down and the pipeline to move large quantities of harvested crops limited due to Covid-19, quality harvests are going to be crucial.

Biological farming is based on scientific principles and common sense. At its core is the principle that microbes are the basis of all agricultural production systems. Biological farming seeks to restore to the soil the naturally occurring beneficial micro-organisms and macro-organisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and earthworms. It creates a sustainable soil management system, enhancing the availability of nutrients and complementing the plant’s own defense systems.