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Going Biological in 2019!

I hope that everyone had a fantastic holiday season! I’m looking forward to the new year and working with you in 2019! Biological materials are getting a considerable amount of attention these days. Biological farming works with natural laws, not against them. Andaman...

Acres Conference & Trade Show / Organic Grower Summit

I just returned from the Acres Conference and Trade Show in Louisville, Kentucky. I hadn’t been for a couple of years and I won’t make that mistake again as the information presented was new, interesting, refreshing, and practical. It’s was an excellent way to gain...

How to Measure Soil Diversity?

We’re learning that not only do we need intensive microbial communities in our soils, but we also need a broad diversity of microbes. Soil microbes are critical for vigorous plant growth including: nutrient cycling; decomposition of organic substances leading to soil...

Validating Improved Soil Health Practices

An article by Elizabeth Creech was posted on the USDA website. It grabbed my attention when it stated that the U.S. lost 2 million acres of land last year used in active crop production. Doing nothing to improve our soils isn’t an acceptable option anymore knowing...

Hot Season Disrupts Grapevines’ Veraison – What Can You Do?

Veraison is the critical shift in the grapevine's physiology from vegetative to reproductive growth, as the vine begins to dedicate its resources to maturing the fruit. This critical point is when all the "quality" goes into the fruit - sugars accumulate, acids change...