Behind the guidelines are a number of years of research in Riverina vineyards in which NWGIC scientists have worked in collaboration with commercial vineyard operators to understand how water supply, crop load, mineral nutrition, heat and disease management all...
Colonization of grapevine wood by Trichoderma harzianum and Eutypa lata
Trichoderma species have potential in biocontrol of eutypa dieback; however, little is known about their ability to colonise grapevine wood. The colonisation of vines by Trichoderma harzianum and its effects on colonisation by Eutypa lata were studied. Methods and...
Mario Ibarra, Vineyard Health & Pesticide Manager, Wagner Family of Wines
The blocks we applied the compost tea looked good up until the end. I applied the last amount we had left over in two blocks after harvest and will see how it works as an post harvest application.
Potential for Highly Detrimental Effects of Common Fertilizers
WISEarth Organics – FertiZONE Improves Soil Structure
Better soil structure translates into a better use of nutrients by the plant and greater retention of moisture in the soil.
WISEarth Organics Tomato Plant Case Study Santa Teresa
FertiZONE treated tomato plants show significant improvements over control
WISEarth Organics – University of Florida Drought Stress Test
University of Florida conducted a drought stress test on corn comparing a control group against corn treated with FertiZONE.
WISEarth Organics – Tomatoes
Tomato Plant Case Study conducted by Texas A&M University showing a control group of plants versus those treated with FertiZONE.
Wine Grapes Get Their Unique Flavor From The Soil In Which It Grows
This article points out how microbes play an important role in influencing wine grape flavors.
San Joaquin Valley Table Grape Grower
One of the largest table grape growers in the Central Valley of California has committed to applying Andaman Ag's nutrient program for its entire acreage in 2016 after seeing and comparing vines treated with our program against competitive applications. The table...