by Deac Jones | Aug 29, 2019 | Amino Acids, Ammonia, Calcium, Cation Exchange Capacity, Farm Management, Magnesium, Microbes, Negatively Charged Particles, Nitrate, Nitrogen, Organic Matter, Pacific Gro, Phosphorus, photosynthesis, Positively Charged Particles, Potassium, Return On Investment, Soil Biology, Soil Colloids, Soil Health, Zinc
It has become very clear to me that the amount of NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) we put on our crops isn’t indicative of what the plants need or can even begin to utilize. We know that nitrogen is key to production of new cells, new enzymes and green pigments...
by Deac Jones | Aug 14, 2019 | Biological Products, Compost Tea, Germination, Mineralize Nutrients, Nitrogen, Nutrient Transfer, Pacific Gro, Phosphorus, photosynthesis, Potassium, Return On Investment, Water Usage
So, how do Coastal Redwoods get so big? Well it’s not the N-P-K that you’re putting on! First of all, these monsters are so big that they need a ton of water. Water is the medium for photosynthesis, nutrient transfer, germination (redwoods are conifers – they produce...
by Deac Jones | Aug 3, 2019 | Abiotic Stress, Biostimulants, Compost Tea, Disease Reduction, Flavonoid, Heat Stress, Microbes, Plant Metabolism
There are many abiotic stressors which impede the growth and development of crops, but heat stress can have the greatest impact in reducing crop yields and the total biomass of the plant. Heat stress is especially detrimental when high temperatures disrupt the...
by Deac Jones | Aug 3, 2019 | Biostimulants, Calcium, Crop Health, Grapes, Microbes, Secondary Metabolites
The current warmer temperatures will help growers in the catch up game we’re playing this season to accelerate plant growth and fruit ripening, but are there other options that can help? A few of the factors that control plant growth rate, in addition to its genetic...
by Deac Jones | Aug 2, 2019 | Abiotic Stress, Brix, Fungi, Heat Stress, Mineralize Nutrients, photosynthesis, Red Blotch, Soil Health
The sugar levels in a plant are like a gauge of photosynthetic activity. They are also a gauge of the health of the plant; the higher the sugar levels, the healthier the plant. Plants are every bit as complex as animals. Just like us, they have specialized cells and...