Night and Day Differences

Our vineyards treated with Andaman Ag foliar fertilizers were much greener and healthier after harvest than surrounding vineyards, the difference was night and day. We plan to use Andaman Ag foliar fertilizers on all of our vineyards next season. In areas where Red...

Newly Planted Stone Fruit

I swear my peach trees, transplanted only in late May, have tripled, yes tripled, in size. Amazing!! Agrogen 7-7-7 is an incredible product! Greg Espenkotter, Grower, Sunterra East  

Organic Production Growth 2014-15

The US Department of Agriculture just released a new organic production survey dated September 15, 2016. There are many highlights worth noting: CA is ranked #1 state for organic sales by a very wide margin (40%) –  4x the second closest state WA (10%) –...

The Importance of Post Harvest

Many California wine and grape growers are heading into the home stretch of this year’s harvest. During Autumn, as with most deciduous plants, nutrients are withdrawn into the plants from leaves prior to leaf fall. Post harvest is a critical period to apply soil based...