Andaman Ag partners with Ag Unlimited

Andaman Ag is excited about its new partnership with Ag Unlimited. Andaman Ag and Ag Unlimited will work together to provide exceptional support to both company’s growers by offering a new portfolio of unique and excellent products coupled with the extraordinary...

Andaman Ag partners with SeaNutri to sell Aquasap

AQUASAP powder is the natural extract of cultivated red algae called “Kappaphycus Alvarezii”. AQUASAP powder is a rich natural source of pottassium and other natural nutrients. It provides a major boost to crop yields and stronger root system due to the...

Andaman Ag to represent Pacific Gro in California

Pacific Gro Oceanic Hydrolysate is made from Ocean-caught fish (mostly salmon), shrimp and crab. It is a cold-processed hydrolysate that’s made from fresh scraps (including guts, skin, bones and shell) collected from seafood processors. The fish, shrimp and crab scrap...