I’m proud to introduce From the Ground Up, a book comprised of five years of essays, organized by topic or category, about leading-edge agricultural practices. Since 2016, Andaman Ag has been sharing research in twice a month newsletters to educate the agricultural industry about biological and sustainable farming practices. It was important to present the information in a pithy format that people would take the time to read and share. Over the years, we’ve received praise for the newsletters from growers and non-growers alike. The agricultural market continues to go through a considerable amount of necessary change incorporating biological farming practices into current crop programs. These changes are delivering superior results. We hope this book can serve as a reference and guide for improving soil and crop health for commercial growers and home gardeners.
You can find it on Amazon or just use the QR Code below.
I want to thank all of our newsletter subscribers for your wonderful, intelligent, and insightful feedback over the years. Your feedback provided the inspiration to continue doing the research and sharing the information. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!